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Justice' I said some of the same' when we were all asked what we thought JSS will do.

I don't think it will matter what JSS does' if the Twitter-talk has merits = Jodi wanting a different Prison, and again I believe Jodi needs to be put in a Super-Max for her own protection' plus the protection of everyone she effects in prison or her supporter cult.

See Perryville is a Overcrowded Minimum Security Prison, Inmates are first put into Solitary for 60 days = their system = this year reduced to 30 days then working, the budget-cuts are dramatic, they may-as-well start building her customized coffin' she has guards and inmates threatening repercussions' in a Violent Corrupt Facility, vigilanteism reflects unjust by historians.

Note' JSS on the 26th and again on the 30th sealed a Jodi hearing,.
Likely Jodi involved at courthouse, but I hope by Video Visitation, but whatever;
Here's a great read!

Why do you always lie?

So, while we are all waiting for sentencing, let's talk about that gchat between Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias. For anybody who missed it, here is a link from Juror13

The timing alone makes it fascinating to me. This gchat is dated May 26, 2008. Just nine days before Jodi viciously slaughtered Travis in his own home. Two days after this chat was the bogus burglary where the gun was stolen from her grandparents' home where she lived.

During the guilt phase of the trial, many of Travis's words from this chat were used against him, in an effort by the defense team to prove what a terrible guy Travis was and how terribly mean he was to Jodi, and inferring therefore that is why he deserved to die and we should let poor abused Jodi go home.

Sorry, nobody believes the abuse anymore than they would believe those forged letters.

For the defense team it was easy to take things from this heated chat out of context and cherry-pick words and phrases in order to support their theory and their version of events. Travis was emotional and upset, and as usual Jodi was as cool as a cucumber. Jodi and all her "experts", specifically Laviolette, made sure that we would not forget Travis's words, yet all the while they neglected to mention that this chat illustrates with certainty that Jodi is guilty of manipulation and many many offenses against an exasperated Travis who was endlessly forgiving her for her lies and antics. I remember when it was first presented, in bits and pieces, and I remember being surprised that Travis would say such things. I wondered what had happened? Why was he so angry?

U r freaking pathetic
U r worthless
U r shit
You are a 3 hole wonder
You are a rotten lunatic
Corrupted carcas
What a freaking whore

Travis to Jodi: "I have never dealt with a more solid form of evil"

Some of the most memorable ones, while seemingly cruel at first, turned out to describe Jodi perfectly and precisely, and are totally understandable when looking at the big picture. Jodi had not yet murdered Travis, but she was already killing him. Travis's words are chilling and prophetic. He tells her she is killing him, murdering him from the inside out, and stabbing him in the back. He tells her it is her own fault that her life sucks.

Travis to Jodi: "I don't think you care if I live or die."

As I read through this chat for the first time from beginning to end I blew through it quickly, curious to get the inside scoop on what may have gone down and led up to his murder.

My initial reaction and overall feeling after reading this exchange was Oh my god. Poor Travis.

I went back and read it again and again. Referencing in my mind and in my heart all the things I came to know throughout this trial.

Travis to Jodi: "Why did you manipulate me into loving you?"

You only showed that you hated me. Never love.
Only hate.
Couldn't you ever try to love me?
I loved someone who never existed.

I was surprised by how sad it made me, especially knowing the outcome. All these harsh words were not coming from anger at all, but from despair, desperation, and hopelessness. How could any of the "experts" look at this, having reviewed so many journals, texts, emails and the like and conclude that Travis was the abuser? Absolutely ludicrous and total nonsense! He tries so hard to just make it stop and she reels him in time and again. He asks her a question and she will not answer. He asks another question and she starts her pity-party. He asks her to explain her actions and she talks about herself. He asks her to tell the truth and she starts her monologue about sex. She almost had him too, a few times, he was easily distracted when she spoke of pleasing him.

From the beginning of this whole mess of a trial, through her testimony, shenanigans and lies, and through this neverending penalty phase retrial, we have all had a window into the frustration that Travis must have felt, dealing with and being tormented by this woman who only cares about herself.

Travis was so lost and even admitted to being helpless and trapped in her web. He tells her she is ruining his life, and he is addicted to her. He tells her "ok Jodi you win". He was hopelessly ensnared. He is trying with all his might to break the pattern of their vicious destructive cycle. He didnt want any apologies, because he knew apologies would lead him to forgive again, and ultimately be betrayed and hurt again. All he wanted from her was for her to admit that she was NOT sorry, not one bit. That her actions were purposeful. He wanted her to admit that she was not sorry for repeatedly hurting him and destroying him. If she could only give him those 3 little words "I'm not sorry" then maybe, just maybe, he could begin to separate himself from the grasp she had on him. He could be freed from her cage and have his new beginning, but she had to unlock the cage first.

Travis to Jodi: "I thought I might break away this time but you knew that I couldn't."

This chat for me put the entire relationship into one conversation. Whenever she was cornered, Jodi would dodge questions, stroke travis's ego, and belittle herself or say she deserved nothing. For me, this was not because she was submssive as her experts suggested, but because it was her most efficient method of manipulation. Get pity from him because he was a sucker for that. My thought is that his upbringing would cause him to always see the best even in the worst of people. As much of a confident guy Travis seemed to be, a peek into his journals and into his past shows us that he just wanted to be loved and accepted. His ego was broken from a very young age, and the funny-guy Travis that everyone saw on the outside was likely a way for him to hide his broken ego and keep hidden that he was hurting inside. I'm no psychologist nor expert, but from my experience in life, some of the funniest and most adorable people I know are "broken". They use humor to get through it. His childhood was so abusive that he forgave Jodi again and again and again. He bought what she was selling: someone who was abusing him (Jodi) really did love him (not) afterall. Jodi would always turn it around and tell him that she didn't deserve to live, he had a bright future, she was despicable, he was blessed, she deserved nothing, and he deserved so much better.

Jodi to Travis: "You are like an angel that gets snared by my evil influences."

U slashed my tires
U stole my journal
U hacked into my email

When I first started following this trial I didn't know anything about Travis or Jodi or anything about the case. Just like a juror, (or I guess a juror with the priveledge of tv, news, internet) I could have been swayed in either direction depending on how the story unfolded. Well, the story unfolded alright, and we know who the victim was here.

Jodi to Travis: "I may be a liar, I may be a whore, I may be evil, I may be a coward, I may not be worth the air I breathe, I am most likely the most horrible person you've ever had the misfortune of knowing, but one thing I am NOT, is violent*."

(*Note: Except on the day that I murdered you, does that count?)

Im gonna forgive u and ur gonna do it again
And im gonna forgive u and ur gonna do it again

Travis: Why cant u reward me for trusting in you over and over again?
Jodi: Because there is no excuse for me to be alive.

Travis: Have you forgotten what is like to be human?
Jodi: Perhaps.

And we are left w Travis's words to Jodi:
Why? Let me tell you why. Because you only care about Jodi.

Then again, maybe Jodi was chatting with herself and none of this is real. As shady and manipulative as she has been from that first interrogation with Flores, first TV interview, and ridiculous Manifesto, she was a pretentious deceptive self-serving piece of work from the very beginning. Nothing would surprise me at this point. Sadly nobody but Jodi knows the truth, and she is never ever going to give it to us. The question remains, what set Travis off? What had she done this time? We can only imagine.

April 13 cant come soon enough. How much you wanna bet there will be more delays? I'm just gonna go with yes there will be delays. That way if there are none, I will be pleasantly surprised, and if there are I will not be disappointed. #Justice4TravisAlexander has been a long time coming, but justice comes in so many ways and in many guises. I trust that the universe will take care of it.

"I was a good guy"  Travis Alexander

Above written by;

Carmen Geditt

Truly USA' March 30, 2015 commented

This all makes me very sad too, Carmen. Too bad Travis did not seek help for his own hidden issues that allowed him to become a victim of Jodi Arias. He was a victim twice, once by parents who were supposed to love him, and once by Jodi who was also supposed to love him. No doubt he shared his innermost fears and desires with her, and she wove those into her web. She took pleasure in his pain, that is obvious in this chat and the way she brutally murdered him. She was getting a thrill from controlling a man she knew she did not deserve. Travis saw through her, but he had no self-control when it came to her. She dirtied him so much, he probably thought he wasn't fit for any "good" woman after her. He didn't want to be wrong about her, but he knew in his heart he was wrong about her. He probably thought "if someone would just give her a chance, build her up, make her feel good about herself, she could be a good woman." I think he found her cheating on him several times and knew that would never be the case. That's where all the hurt came from, her inability to be faithful to any one or any thing, be it a man, a religion, an education, a job, her family --- she tossed every single thing in the trash and saw nothing through to completion. The very fact that she could do what she has done throughout this trial without an ounce of remorse is astounding, I don't want to believe those people really exist. But they do. They exist in your neighborhood, on your Twitter, in your workplace and even in your church. So beware good people and do not doubt the "evil that lurks in the hearts of wo/men". Look for the signs and don't talk yourself out of believing they are capable of doing you harm. They are.

Actually Justice not the Clemency board' it would be Arizona Parole board!

See that was the Jury Question confusion (first trial) that noone knew the answer to,     during deliberations Jury asked the Judge on a questioner "What does Life mean", as in 25 years, 25 years minus time served or until she dies in prison.

Judge used both sides to help her answer, and personally replied, (I call it a mini-trial), see in 2000 Arizona began allowing possibility of Parole for DP Verdicts and eliminated possibility of Parole for DP Verdicts' recent to after Jodis slaughter.

So Jodi is in that Parole possibility that hasn't been consumated' to date,       now No Arizona Parole Board everybody believes,        Wrong Arizona juveniles have Arizona possibility of parole board functioning, that has Parole officers (would only need a revision specific to Jodi' and that's if needed, years from now) clemency is a release without restrictions' that's why clemency is unfavorable for victim or perpetrator, it is release without tight restrictions.

I doubt JSS would give time served to Jodi' because that excuses bad behavior, Jodi has had bad behavior in Jail' and Judge is tasked to use that report as a determining factor on the 13th.

Likely last weeks sealed hearings are about Cassandra (assault damages) and whatever the FBI Department of Justice tables.
It seams Millionaire Simon has local extradition protection.

Interesting questions and worth asking.
I do not know personally what the actual laws in Arizona mean as I am from Canada. Maybe someone can clarify this for us.

My thoughts are that since this was a Death Penalty case and Arias qualified because of the charge and subsequent conviction of her crime with the aggravating factor of Extreme Cruelty, I feel that a LWOP sentence will be rendered by JSS.

I do not think that JSS would defer to a higher court or the Clemency Board.
I still believe that she did do that with the issue of "secret" testimony by Arias knowing that she would be overturned and result in shutting down further requests like this by Arias AND severely hinder any future appeal action on this issue. She absolutely used the Supreme Court's ruling when Arias wanted to present her allocution in closed court!

JSS is fully aware of the devious ways of Arias. She has listened to all the crap brought forth in her defense. Crap that was debunked and shown for what it was - deflecting any responsibility by Arias and blaming the true victim, Travis Alexander (and anyone else that Arias could find to blame).
JSS has gone on record stating she is fully cognizant of the manipulation that Arias tried throughout the trial(s).
JSS has seen the total lack of remorse in Arias as she told her many stories/lies of how the crime happened, as she terrorized the Alexander family with letters and horrible accusations about their brother, as she lied on psychological tests, as she suborned lies from her witnesses and even went so far as to call a member of the Mormon Church a liar. These are only a few examples of what JSS witnessed, along with everyone else, over the course of this case.
I would think that JSS is outraged at the continued manipulation of her court as well by Arias.

(I use "Arias" rather than "defense team" because I will always believe that she dictated how her defense was presented)

All of this (and more) about Arias is blatant proof that she is dangerous.

But importantly, to me, Arias has been convicted of Premeditated First Degree Felony Murder with the Aggravating Factor of Extreme Cruelty by her peers and although the Death Penalty was not given to her by two juries (for whatever reasons), JSS knows that LWOP is the appropriate sentence to give.

She does not need to defer to a higher court or the Clemency Board to give her sentence. She was ready to give it right after the last hung jury!

She is finally able to have her say about what she feels about this case and about Arias. She wants it over and done with as well. She, I believe, wants Arias gone too with the harshest sentence she is able to give.

As I have said before, I will be really pissed off and surprised if anything short of LWOP is given to Arias by JSS.

Just my humble opinion once again.
I think your correct about everything above Nerm' I don't think Jodi will get 25 years without or with time served, but JSS scares me, I feel higher Federal authorities are active and Justice for Jodi will be Federal Prison with Lifetime Solitary.

I have not changed this opinion for over a year = before last verdict, because I don't think Arizona can handle Jodi due to the cult mentality, if Jodi lives in Perryville for months, she will find a way' actually her cult will find a way to communicate' money buys favors' then we have a cult firmly seated affecting society.

A Super-Max can prevent all that by housing Jodi as a danger in captivity, Solitary is what Super-Max Prisons do, and if Jodi has Justice department crimes for anything circumventing the court justice system, Federal charges will override Perryville' Jodi will get No reduction of punishment, just certifiable Solitary, it's actually predestined.

You stated....
"I don't think it will matter what JSS does' if the Twitter-talk has merits = Jodi wanting a different Prison, and again I believe Jodi needs to be put in a Super-Max for her own protection' plus the protection of everyone she effects in prison or her supporter cult.

See Perryville is a Overcrowded Minimum Security Prison, Inmates are first put into Solitary for 60 days = their system = this year reduced to 30 days then working, the budget-cuts are dramatic, they may-as-well start building her customized coffin' she has guards and inmates threatening repercussions' in a Violent Corrupt Facility, vigilanteism reflects unjust by historians."

I feel Arias needs to go to where she is sent after her sentencing is rendered. I do not believe she needs protection at this stage and I do not think others need protection from her. That will all be determined AFTER she has spent some time in Perryville.

It is my understanding that Arias will be in Maximum Security in Perryville for a minimum of 2 years and with absolutely PERFECT behaviour she then can be moved to Maximum Security Closed Custody for another 2 years. this means she can have a roommate. After these 2 years with PERFECT behaviour she could be moved to General Population.
During these 4 years (minimum), yes, she can have a bit of freedom, possible jobs, etc. but for the first 2 years, she will have that freedom ALL ALONE.

Also, your reference to Arias' behaviour while in Estrella will be reviewed and not go unnoticed by JSS. Her behaviour while in jail is an indication of what to expect from her once she gets to Perryville.

The fact that Arias refused a Pre-Sentencing Interview clearly shows that she continues to hide information and tries to manipulate the system. Again, this will not go unnoticed by JSS.

By delaying her sentencing for 30 days, she actually "cooked her own goose". Added to information to be used by JSS in determining the sentence are the restrictions now on Arias AND the deplorable reasons for them - such as recruiting minors to break the law.

For me, the most obvious reasons for LWOP is Arias' lack of remorse for her crime AND her vilifying Travis, the victim, in her defense.
JSS sees this too.

"From 1913, when Arizona established a board of pardons and paroles, until 1993, fewer than 60 inmates a year applied for commutation, on average. In 1993, the state adopted so-called "truth in sentencing" laws, which effectively abolished parole. The new code requires offenders to serve at least 85 percent of their sentence before becoming eligible for community supervision; for many felonies, 100 percent of the sentence must be served. The laws, along with mandatory minimums that took discretion in sentencing out of the hands of judges, left commutation as the only avenue for most offenders to seek a reduced sentence..."


"The Board's Mission
The mission of the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency is to ensure public safety by considering and granting parole to inmates who are certified by the Department of Corrections and who appear not to pose a threat to society and recommending to the Governor only those executive clemency actions that are in the best interests of the citizens of Arizona.

The Board’s Purpose
The Board conducts monthly parole hearings for inmates who were convicted of offenses committed on or before January 1, 1994. Hearings may also be held to consider Work Furlough, Home Arrest, Absolute Discharge from Imprisonment or from Parole Supervision: Parole Rescission; and Parole Revocation requests. The Board also conducts hearings for clemency actions that include Pardon, Commutation of Sentence and Reprieve."
Perryville itself is classified as a Minimum security Prison, the 2 years in Solitary is not how Perryville works' I hate to explain this way but Troy said so, Troy reported Minimum Security Prison, A Murder alike Jodi got a job in less than 30 days there.

The Presentencing hearing that Jodi refused was only Jodi having a reply recorded for the record, first presentencing tells what Joe reports about Jodi' and her financial situation, then Jodi had Nurmi tell JSS that she waved the right to reply, the report was not there at that time, Their wasn't to be closure that day, Nurmi was shocked at JSS over a month date, he wanted a few day delay' and Martinez hadn't spoke yet, the delay seemed preplanned' but if it wasn't preplanned it would have taken a day or two, that's what was reported' Joe likely purposely let Jodi have all the calls she wanted' just to let her set herself up.
I heard Troy Hayden as well.

Perryville may be a Minimum Security Prison, but Arias will be housed in Maximum Security within the prison.

My info came from one of the Prison Officials and I wish I could find the link.
The prison official is a retired news hound, that has no permission to post what he knows about the Prison, Arizona would not let a guard make them statements, it would result in immediate suspension.
(03-31-2015, 01:59 PM)Lunarscope Wrote: [ -> ]I think your correct about everything above Nerm' I don't think Jodi will get 25 years without or with time served, but JSS scares me, I feel higher Federal authorities are active and Justice for Jodi will be Federal Prison with Lifetime Solitary.

I have not changed this opinion for over a year = before last verdict, because I don't think Arizona can handle Jodi due to the cult mentality, if Jodi lives in Perryville for months, she will find a way' actually her cult will find a way to communicate' money buys favors' then we have a cult firmly seated affecting society.

A Super-Max can prevent all that by housing Jodi as a danger in captivity, Solitary is what Super-Max Prisons do, and if Jodi has Justice department crimes for anything circumventing the court justice system, Federal charges will override Perryville' Jodi will get No reduction of punishment, just certifiable Solitary, it's actually predestined.

The Feds may be doing some investigating but I do not think that Arias is that important that she will become a Federal prisoner.
Arias murdered/slaughtered her lover just like others have done.
She has been convicted and is about to be sentenced.

Many people have hidden money.
I do not think that she is a leader of a cult at all. She has supporters like so many convicts have. People are giving her too much credit when she is just a murderous woman. These supporters will move on to another once she is sent away. It is what they do.
Yes, there are some real nutcases that are involved but they will not, in the end, sacrifice themselves for Arias.
The media, including social media, is hyping up everything to make her more important than she is.

If she has broken any Federal laws, she will be called to task for it.

But for now, she deserves nothing more than to go to Perryville and take her chances there, just like other murderers.
That is what this case has been all about from the beginning. Arias murdered Travis and she must pay for her crime.

Again.....The media, including social media, is hyping up everything to make her far more important than she is.
Nerm' Arizona law was revamped at least Twice after 1994 that your quoting' as I said, (I may be off by year' but year is what I remember, 2000 - 2001), and then revised again after Jodi arrest' to eliminate a DP convict possible release, so Jodi is in the years of possible parole, with No Arizona adult parole board established.

Angela Simpson convicted this year was in GP after less than 30 days with a job, She is a bigger danger than Jodi' and will likely kill Jodi for notoriety.
(03-31-2015, 02:45 PM)Lunarscope Wrote: [ -> ]Nerm' Arizona law was revamped at least Twice after 1994 that your quoting' as I said, (I may be off by year' but year is what I remember, 2000 - 2001), and then revised again after Jodi arrest' to eliminate a DP convict possible release, so Jodi is in the years of possible parole, with No Arizona adult parole board established.

I am not doubting you Lunarscope.
All I did was Google Arizona Parole Board and the links I posted were what I found.

(03-31-2015, 02:26 PM)Lunarscope Wrote: [ -> ]The prison official is a retired news hound, that has no permission to post what he knows about the Prison, Arizona would not let a guard make them statements, it would result in immediate suspension.

I am searching for info.