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Observer and Duluth - excellent postings.

Arias will be gone as of April 13th.
Had she been given the DP, she would live with the thought that at some point she will be exonerated. this is not an issue anymore.
I firmly believe she will receive LWOP or in simple terms, receive a sentence that keeps her put away for the rest of her natural life.

She will not have the support of her family over time as they live over a 1000 miles away.
She will have her supporters still but she would have had them no matter what the verdict had been.

This jury did not believe for a minute that she was a victim and dismissed the DV claims as rubbish.
She no longer can project herself as a victim of DV.

This jury abhorred the victimization of Travis.

This jury's total dislike for her is evident by the way the majority voted.

The hold-out juror may have had her biases coming in but she was obviously alone in her thinking.
JSS interviewed her and this woman was still able to get around her true feelings in that interview. I do not believe that JSS would have kept her on the jury if in fact she felt that this juror was a stealth juror.

I for one will not speculate on what is in store for her for the future. She has lost and everyone knows it now.
She will live her life surrounded by people just like her. It will not be easy for her and so be it.

I really am at peace with this verdict and confident that JSS will add to the jury's decision and put her away forever.

This is a great posting by Mike Eiglarsh.
I am in total agreement with him.
The guards of Perryville prison were warned to stay away from Jodi Arias because of her manipulation.

They ought to stay away from her because she will accuse them of rape because she is always the victim.

Her life is spared and Arias cries "gang-rape" because Troy Hayden and his photographer got a video of her in her stripes and shackles as she was taken back to Estrella Jail following the no verdict. Troy Hayden asked her how she felt about the no verdict and what her plans were and she didn't answer but just kept going holding papers in front of her face.

Jodi Arias Updates‏@JodiAnnArias 20h20 hours ago

"I feel kind of gang-raped by Troy Hayden, Joe Arpaio and Lisa Allen because of the media ambush." -- #JodiaArias

Once a victim, always a victim.
Information; JSS's allowed secret Jodi testimony was overruled' in a statement by the Arizona Supreme Court, on the Day juror #17 was in chambers = not being dismissed for prejudices.
The statement was on a later date written as a ruling, but the information of informing JSS that No secret testimony would be allowed' was presented to JSS that same day! Note it took months later, before that the secret testimonInformation; JSS's allowed secret Jodi testimony was overruled' in a statement by the Arizona Supreme Court, on the Day juror #17 was in chambers = not being dismissed for prejudices.
The statement was on a later date written as a ruling, but the information of informing JSS that No secret testimony would be allowed' was presented to JSS that same day! Note it wasn't until months later, that the secret testimonies actually became released by JSS!
I am still researching that timeframes events!
I agree Observer - once a victim, always a victim. I also agree that it was wise for correctional officers to be given fair warning about Arias.

Arias is entering prison no longer with the title of Domestic Abuse Survivor.
This has been absolutely refuted and not believed by anyone and the jury made sure that she can no longer be the "Poster Child" for victims of DV. (I use the term Poster Child as was written by another commentator on another site.)

Arias is entering prison with the title "Manipulative Liar".
Prison personnel and inmates know this.
They will be wary.

Arias is entering prison with the thought "I won and I beat the DP".
In fact, she has lost.
She has lost family and friends.
She has lost tweeting, selling of her art, her so-called profession in photography, make-up, street clothes, contact visits should she get visits at all and so much more.
She has lost the opportunities afforded her in the past of manipulating the media to what she believes is to her advantage. Now, the media just wants to talk to a murderer.

Importantly, she has lost her freedom and I believe she has lost it for the rest of her life.

She will try her tactics in prison, in a stale, unfriendly and cement environment with people just like her.
It is all she knows.
I believe that she is going up against formidable people in prison and will be called out for her behaviour.

She has lost and soon the world will forget all about her.

I know I will.
Troy Hayden @troyhaydenfox10 · ALERT: Juan Martinez prosecuted ex-husband of holdout juror 17. They married day before his 2000 sentencing.

On this video, Troy Hayden reported that Juror No. 17 is being investigated at high levels because of her connection to the legal system.

The jurors were required to fill out extensive questionnaires asking if they had any connection with any of the attorneys or judge or if any family members had been incarcerated. If she did not disclose that her first husband was prosecuted by Juan Martinez, that could be jury misconduct.

I doubt if she did disclose that because if she did she would not be eligible for the jury because she could have a bias against Martinez.

Hayden also mentioned that law enforcement is looking into the Jodi Arias is Innocent Site because they posted the names of the 11 jurors who voted for death. I've read where the name and address of the holdout juror was tweeted and police are guarding her house. Where are these people getting the names of the jurors?
Simon of both "is Innocent" web sights Out all who as they call ("Haters") have been since half way thru the first trial, they posted Martinez photos cropped on Travis in shower picture and the comments related to when they repetitively post Travis in Body Bag picture are murderous, three readers there were enticed to violence getting arrested, its a canker sight' collecting money for foreign banking!
Okay. There is something wrong about that damn juror. I don't know what if anything can be done to her but this seriously is a stealth juror. Or a vindictive one. Or one wanting revenge? Isn't there something smelly about this?
I am going to go ahead and say it. Arias continues to manipulate.
Continues using anyone who can benefit HER.

I hope they can pinpoint her as a pure Psychopath/Sociopath when she has her mental evaluation in prison! She may go go some kind of group counseling, but would be chained all over and some kind of 'bar' inserted in chains so she can't get up and attack someone in the group. Wouldn't that look pretty, to go to 'group counseling' like that!! ROFLOLACGU
Duluth, I lost Salhapatica's email address so I sent you my email address in a private message. To receive it go to the top where it says Welcome Back Duluth and click on private messages. If you don't get it. Go to member list click on my name and send me a private message giving me Salhapatica's email address.
If what Troy Hayden is saying is factual, and as a journalist he needs to be at least a little aware of his facts, I do not believe Juan would have agreed to Juror 17 being a juror in this retrial because of course she would have a bias if she married the guy the day before he was sentenced, wouldn't she? That would be too dangerous to allow her on this trial. If this is true, this whole trial was a sham because of that juror. Troy Hayden would lose credibility if he is posting things like this and they aren't true.

I need to let it go. But right now, this is just another slap in the face in a way. I will just have to wait and see what happens. If true, it is similar to having to allow the defense tell the lies they did about Travis.

Nern, I also am at peace with the verdict. I think being in prison for the rest of her life will make her crazy unless she is able to be around her followers and soon the followers will figure out what they are dealing with. And even if her family lived near enough to visit her, she didn't really like being with the parents. They didn't suit her. I don't know anything about her relationships with her siblings, but unless the siblings are bowing down to her needs, she won't want to be around them either.

Elaine, good posting and it's nice to hear your voice. I wish you had been here earlier. Keep it up please.